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Category ArchiveFrankfort Fishing Reports

Giant Steelhead Today

Fishing was great today, check out this steelhead!

July Fishing

After years of sitting back letting everybody else catch the fish I told George benisek to sit in the chair it’s his turn and lo and behold our third fish over 30 lb this year but the line. George got his largest salmon ever tonight. 30 lb 5 oz.

Really Great Fishing This week

Best salmon fishing of the year is right now. I can’t remember who my guests are for tomorrow morning but they are in for a treat.


A picture says a thousand words, fishing remains awesome. We still have some dates available but they are going quickly when folks see fish like these!


Nice box full of fish today, including this big boy!

06 21 2018 Frankfort Michigan Fishing Report

The Kings have been sticking around, and we are also catching a mixed bag of Lake trout and Steelhead. Give us a call, we still have a few dates open


Fishing has been spectacular in Frankfort. We’re getting a mix bag of kings, browns and lake trout.

Check out this brown trout caught yesterday.

We still have a few dates open. Book today!


Check out this walleye caught during the boat shake down!


Things are picking up! It’s time to plan your summer trip and reserve your spot on Intimidator.

05-04-2018 Fishing Report

We’re getting ready for an exceptional coho and chinook season!

08-30-2017 Fishing Report

We’re getting some nice size coho right now.